Thursday, July 31, 2008

BT Group profit down 35%, revenue edges higher

Tulisan dari situs MarketWatch:
oleh Simon Kennedy
Last update: 2:30 a.m. EDT July 31, 2008

-- U.K. telecom company BT Group (UK:BTA: BT Group plc UK:BTA173.90, -23.90, -12.1%) said Thursday that its fiscal first-quarter net profit fell 35% to 397 million pounds ($786 million) as revenue rose 2.9% to 5.18 billion pounds. Before one-off charges and leaver costs, operating profit rose 4% to 742 million pounds. Growth was driven by 12% higher revenue from major corporate customers, with revenue from retail customers holding flat. The group said its guidance for the year remains unchanged and it still expects to deliver growth in revenue, earnings per share and dividends per share for the year.

Informasinya gak jelas apa profitnya turun 35% dari kuartal sebelumnya apa Year on Year. Tapi turun 35% ini bener-bener parah juga. Kalau revenue naik hanya dibawah 3% tapi profitnya turun lebih dari sepertiga nya yaa pasti dari beban lah yang melonjak. Tapi kalau dilihat dari operating profitnya malah naik 4% artinya beban operasional sudah cukup dihemat. Beban lain-lain kali yang bikin net profit nya nyemplung..